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earlier discussion

David Zalubowski

They warned you September would be brutal for equities. It wasn't. They said October brings bring bone-chilling declines in the stock market. Well, it didn't either.

Are we well and truly in a bull market? Rory North certainly thinks so. He runs the North Growth U.S. Equity Fund, which has been the best performer among U.S. equity funds over 10 and 15 years, and he believes Canadians should hold even more U.S. equities than they already do.

What about the impact of the rising loonie on U.S. investments? How about all those pundits calling for a market correction?

Mr. North will be taking your questions on investing strategy, particularly in U.S. equities, on Friday at noon (ET). You can get a headstart by submitting them here ahead of time. Please note that he cannot talk about individual stocks.

Mr North is the lead portfolio manager for North Growth Management Ltd., as well as CFO and COO of the company. Prior to joining North Growth Management in August 1998, he was a corporate finance analyst for two years at RBC Dominion Securities in Vancouver. After graduating with a major in finance from the University of British Columbia, he spent a few years in Hong Kong working for Daiwa Securities Inc. as an equity analyst covering companies in the emerging markets of Asia.

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