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Featured below are companies that have experienced recent insider trading activity in the public market through their direct and indirect ownerships, including accounts they have control or direction over. The list features insider transaction activity; it does not convey total ownership information as an insider may hold numerous accounts.

Keep in mind, when looking at transaction activities by insiders, purchasing activity may reflect perceived value in a security. Selling activity may or may not be related to a stock’s valuation; perhaps an insider needs to raise money for personal reasons or perhaps shares may be sold to address tax implications when options and rights are exercised. An insider’s total holdings should be considered because a sale may, in context, be insignificant if this person has a large remaining position in the company. In addition, I tend to put great weight on insider transaction activity when I see multiple insiders trading a company’s shares or units.  Furthermore, it can be of value to note if an insider’s share or unit balance (investment in the company) is trending higher or lower.

Listed below are two securities that have had buying activity in the public market reported by insiders.

Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. (CF-T)

On Feb. 18, president and chief executive officer Dan Daviau invested over $1.3-million in shares of the company. He acquired 100,000 shares at a cost per share of $13.2996, increasing this particular account’s position to 437,794 shares.

The company pays its shareholders a quarterly dividend of 8.5 cents per share or 34 cents per share yearly, equating to a current annualized yield of approximately 2.7 per cent.

Month-to-date, the share price has declined 17 per cent. The relative strength index (RSI) is at 23. Generally, an RSI reading at or below 30 reflects on oversold condition.

Exco Technologies Limited (XTC-T)

On Feb. 7 and 8, director Ed Kernaghan invested over $270,000 in shares of Exco. He acquired 29,400 shares at an average cost per share of approximately $9.20 for an account in which he has indirect ownership (Kernwood Limited), raising this specific account’s holdings to 8,175,200 shares.

Previously, we reported that on Feb. 7 and 8, Mr. Kernaghan purchased a total of 305,700 shares at an average price per share of approximately $9.15 for this account. The cost of these purchases totaled nearly $2.8-million, not including trading fees.

Mr. Kernaghan also sits on the board of directors for several other companies including Black Diamond Group Ltd., Boralex Inc., Obsidian Energy Ltd., and Waterloo Brewing Co.


Listed below are two stocks that have had recent selling activity in the public market reported by insiders.

Bausch Health Companies Inc. (BHC-T)

In a relatively small transaction, on Feb. 15, president of Bausch Health’s Salix Pharmaceuticals Robert Spurr sold 3,251 shares at a price per share of US $25.02, reducing this particular account’s position to 13,005 shares. Proceeds from the sale exceeded US $81,000, excluding trading fees.

BCE Inc. (BCE-T)

On Feb. 18, chief information officer Michael Cole exercised his options, receiving 79,924 shares at a cost per share of $58.39, and sold 79,924 shares at a price per share of $66.68. Net proceeds exceeded $662,000, excluding any associated transaction charges. This specific account had a remaining account balance of 10,582 shares.

On Feb. 15, president of consumer marketing Claire Gillies exercised her options, receiving 39,352 shares at an average cost per share of roughly $57.36, and sold 39,352 shares at a price per share of $66.75. Net proceeds exceeded $369,000, excluding any associated transaction charges. After these transactions, this particular account held 5,564 shares.

On Feb. 11, group president of consumer and small & medium business Blaik Kirby exercised his options, receiving 53,164 shares at an average cost per share of approximately $55.67, and sold 53,164 shares at an average price per share of roughly $66.61. Net proceeds totaled over $581,000, not including any associated transaction fees. After these transactions, this specific account held 16,204 shares.

Previously, we reported the following trades.

On Feb. 7, president and chief executive officer of BCE and Bell Canada Mirko Bibic exercised his options, receiving 65,000 shares at a cost per share of $58.39, and sold 65,000 shares at a price per share of $67.44, after which this specific account held 11,070 shares. Net proceeds exceeded $588,000, excluding any associated transaction charges.

On Feb. 7, John Watson, group president – customer experience, exercised his options, receiving 109,650 shares at a cost per share of $56.62, and sold 109,650 shares at a price per share of $67.21 with 15,805 shares remaining in this particular account. Net proceeds totaled over $1.1-million, not including any associated transaction fees.

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Study and track financial data on any traded entity: click to open the full quote page. Data updated as of 31/05/24 3:18pm EDT.

SymbolName% changeLast
Canaccord Genuity Group Inc
Exco Tech
Bausch Health Companies Inc

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