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The question

We're undergoing a major reno and I want to spend my budget indoors, not out. What is the least offensive, most cost-effective fix for a weedy pea-gravel driveway?

The answer

I love the way that pea gravel sounds under the tires while you drive your 1950s MG up your circular driveway. The problem is that it tends to spread its wings and travel to grassy areas. And picking up those pebbles is a full-time job you don't want. To keep the pebbles in line, you could edge the driveway with stone pavers and consider planting a boxwood hedge along the driveway to draw the eye away from the weeds.

Otherwise, think of weeds as wrinkles; you have earned them and they fought to be there. Spend your money indoors and don't fret or get some natural weed-killer and the green will disappear. In fact, just buy more cars, load up the driveway and no one will see the weeds.

Architect and interior designer Dee Dee Taylor Eustace's new e-book, Dee Dee's Rules , is available on iTunes. Follow her on Twitter: @ddtaylordd. Have a design problem? E-mail

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