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You have a special task to perform over the next 12 months, a task that only you are capable of doing. Does that make you special? You bet it does! But then you've always been special, and you'll be more special still a year from now.

ARIES (March 21 – April 20):

Be honest with yourself about your financial situation. The only way to resolve a problem is to identify exactly what that problem is, so stop pretending everything is fine and get to grips with reality. You'll do okay.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21):

Don't look for the usual explanations today – look for the explanations that seem most outrageous, because those are the ones most likely to be true. You need to learn to think in new and more creative ways.

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21):

The Sun's link to Neptune will confront you with situations, both at home and at work, that demand a more flexible response. Approach the same old problems in the same old ways – and you'll get the same old results.

CANCER (June 22 – July 23):

Don't waste time trying to make sense of what is going on in the world because most likely it will make no sense at all. The good news is you are one of the lucky few who will benefit from current upheavals.

LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23):

The more others tell you to follow the herd and do what everyone else is doing the more you should do the opposite! The herd always ends up in the slaughterhouse, so break free and be the one who survives.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23):

You have got to be active if you want to succeed. For best results today get out into the world and meet as many new people as you can. Luck is most likely to come when you are on the move.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23):

The rules of the game are for other people. Why? Because you are playing a different game entirely. Do as you please and come and go as you see fit. To put it bluntly: who is going to stop you?

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22):

Do something out of the ordinary today. If others are shocked by your behaviour that's both a bad sign and a good sign: bad in that it confirms you've become too predictable; good in that you know you must change.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21):

Focus on your work today and believe that you can turn your dreams into realities. Whatever career path you have been following to date you must be more adventurous over the coming few weeks. What have you got to lose?

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20):

Capricorn may be traditional by nature but you know when it is right to disrupt the status quo and that time is now. Chaos is not always a bad thing. Out of disruption will come a more positive way of life.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19):

You can afford to take a few risks today. No matter how close you sail to the edge the planets suggest you won't fall over – and even if, somehow, you do take a dive, you'll have a soft landing.

PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20):

What you need to realize today is that when you go to one extreme you encourage those who disagree with you to go to the opposite extreme. Is that what you want? Then be moderate in what you say and do.

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