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The Question: We're travelling to Paris in April. "We" includes an almost five year old. We're renting an apartment and I would love to find a babysitter for a few evenings. How do we find someone who is reputable, even if it means paying more for peace of mind?

Google babysitting and Paris and you get a lot of hits. But who wants to leave their child in the care of a stranger sans recommendation, even in the land of Madeline?

You can inquire with high-end hotels, many of which offer babysitting, to see if they will share their sitter's number. Or you could call Unique Paris (, an upscale concierge service, says Elodie Berta from the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The company often arranges sitters, says co-founder Alexandre Besombes. "We have two options: first, we have an internal database of around 30 trusted babysitters that we met, were recommend by another client, and for which we controlled the profile/cv and the diplomas. Secondly, we also work with a high-end babysitter agency, which provides us with the secured profile [of the sitter]"

The company charges about $82 a day for its "Escape Key" membership, so to make the most of the investment, why not tack on some extra inside planning? Unique Paris creates in-the-know experiences, such as booking a private tour of the Louvre after it's closed to the public or reserving a table at a hot restaurant. Now that would be some date!

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Karan Smith is a former Globe Travel editor. Special to The Globe and Mail

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