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We all dream of being the ultimate version of ourselves -- smarter, thinner, funnier, more punctual, better driver, and so on. With that can-do, team spirit in mind, Globe Life is embarking on a grand self-improvement project. Each week, we'll set a small, bite-sized task. Try it out and let us know how you fare. Plus, tell us what tips made it easier or if you have suggestions to help others.

This week:

Next challenge: All right challenge takers – time to lose the booze! How attached are you to that nightly glass of wine (or three – hiccup). Is alcohol a social crutch? Does spending time as a teetotaller at a party sound like no biggie or a fate worse than death? Let us know on our Facebook page.

Previous challenges: (Click on the links to see how I fared)

Week 1: Positive thinking Refrain from saying anything negative. No sarcastic remarks, withering put-downs or self-deprecating comments.

Week 2: Put down the smartphone. This week, limit yourself to checking your e-mail only twice a day.

Week 3: Try not buying any groceries and use up those dried chick peas, frozen strawberries, soup mix and whatever else is lurking in your cupboards and freezer.

Week 4: Improve your memory. Learn a poem - or if you still have nightmares about Grade 10 English, learn lyrics to a song.

Week 5: Go without makeup for the week. That's right: no foundation, no mascara, no lipstick - we'll give you a pass on lip balm.

Weel 6: Talk to strangers. Try to say hello to anyone you have eye contact with, ask the cashier at the grocery store if they're having a nice day

Week 7: Learn to take constructive criticism. Meet up with key people in your private and professional life and ask what you could do better

Week 8: No more procrastinating. Tackle those small tasks one at a time.

Week 9: Markets, museums, gardens and galleries: Be a tourist in your hometown

Week 10: Try not to swear for a week. This week, try to be the most well-mannered, cuss-free version of yourself

Week 11: Need gym motivation? Try calling yourself a lazy slob

Week 12: No wheels for a week. Leave the car in the driveway and get around on two feet (or two wheels)

Week 13:: No lies for a week. Nope, not even white ones.

Week 14: A week of perfect grammar. No ifs, ands and OMGs about it

Week 15: Embrace the Twitterverse. Tweet, follow and hashtag until your thumbs are blue.

Week 16: Keep a log of every single thing you spend money on. It adds up quicker than you think, right?

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