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Welcome to Canada's Balance Challenge.

It's day four and we - and you - are still going strong.

For the week of November 1, The Globe and Mail is issuing a challenge to Canadians: Each day, take some time for yourself.

We'll offer a daily suggestion - but if it doesn't work for you, try something that does. As long as it puts you or family first, it counts.

Try it out and then let us know how it goes in our comments section. You can even send us a photo or video of you enjoying your newfound "me" time.

Thursday's challenge: Enjoy a family dinner tonight

By "family," we mean the people that matter to you: be that your spouse and children, a close circle of friends, your parents - you decide. By dinner, we mean a meal at a table, with no distractions. The food can be takeout; it's not the important part. Turn off the TV, put the smartphone out of sight and have a real conversation. You just may discover that simply talking about your day can help you unwind.

From Wednesday's challenge: Exercise for 30 minutes

From Tuesday's challenge: Leave work on time:

Monday's challenge: Take a 15-minute coffee break

Interact with The Globe