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work-life balance

Welcome to Canada's Balance Challenge.

Complaining about our busy lives is easy. Doing something to slow them down is hard. But it's worth trying.

For the week of November 1, The Globe and Mail is issuing a challenge to Canadians: Each day, take some time for yourself.

We'll offer a daily suggestion - but if it doesn't work for you, try something that does. As long as it puts you or family first, it counts.

Try it out and then let us know how it goes in our comments section. You can even send us a photo or video of you enjoying your newfound "me" time.

Tuesday's challenge: Leave work on time

Deep breath. You can do it. Step 1: Figure out what that means. What time did you get to your desk? And how many hours are they paying you for? Okay, do the math and write down that magic number. Is it 5? 5:30? 6? Be honest with yourself and commit to leaving at that time. Make plans to meet friends or your partner if you need an extra incentive (or someone to be accountable to).

From Monday's challenge: Take a 15-minute coffee break:

Interact with The Globe